Transport and Covid-19: responses and resources

Safety, Security, Health

Speed and Crash Risk

27 August 2020

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Conference on “Global Transport Security and Safety for a Century”

27 August 2020

ITF Secretary-General Young Tae Kim will deliver the opening address of the Conference.

Better Decision Making for Road Safety

27 August 2020

ITF Road Safety expert Véronique Feypell willl participate in the concluding panel.

Towards the Establishment of a Road Safety Observatory in Africa

27 August 2020

The objectives of the workshop are to shape the way towards the establishment of a road safety...

Alcohol-Related Road Casualties in Official Crash Statistics

1 September 2022

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Road Safety on Five Continents

1 September 2022

ITF Secretary-General Young Tae Kim will present ITF activities related to road safety and deliver...