Power-to-X and Energy Carriers for Future Carbon-neutral Shipping. Tue Johannessen, Møller-Maersk
25 February 2020
The Role of Hydrogen and Synthetic Fuels. Cedric Philibert, Independent Consultant
25 February 2020
Low- and Zero-carbon Energy Vectors:The view of shipowners from a Swedish Perspective. Fredrik Larsson, Sweship
25 February 2020
Decarbonisation Pathways for the Shipping Sector: Overview of Available Optrions. Carlos Ruiz, IRENA
25 February 2020
Going to Zero, Maersk’s Plans for Net Zero Emissions Operations by 2050. Anne Sophie Vinther Hansen, Møller-Maersk
25 February 2020
Vessel Efficiency: The Perspective of an Analyst. Christopher Pålsson, Lloyd’s List Intelligence
25 February 2020
Technology and Efficiency, its Role and Mechanism for Improving Carbon Intensity, and the Implications for IMO Policy and the Nordics. Tristan Smith, University College London, UK
25 February 2020
Achieving the Goals of the Initial IMO Strategy on Reduction of GHG Emissions from Ships. IMO Policy Context. Roel Hoenders, World Maritime University
25 February 2020
Maritime Energy Management: The Journey Towards a Zero/Low Carbon and Energy Efficient Maritime Future. Aykut I. Ölçer, World Maritime University (WMU)
25 February 2020
Introduction to ITF and its Decarbonising Transport Initiative: Workshop Background, Objectives and Structure: Olaf Merk, ITF/OECD
25 February 2020
Is there a Role for Regulation to increase the Transparency and Sustainability of Supply Chains for Battery and Fuel Cell Materials? Luca Maiotti and Benjamin Katz, OECD
17 February 2020
Beyond Batteries and Fuel Cells: Integrating Natural Gas, Biofuels and Electrofuels in Low-carbon Emission Regulations: Experience from the JEC Analysis. Monica Johansson, Volvo
17 February 2020
Is there a Need for a Regulatory Framework Accounting for a Life Cycle Perspective of Vehicle Technologies and Fuels? And how should BEVs and FCEVs be Integrated in it? William Lilley, Aramco
17 February 2020
The Role of Standards to Deal with Different Hydrogen Production Pathways. Guarantee of Origin. Francoise de Jong, CEN CENELEC
17 February 2020
The EU Fuel Quality Directive: Where do we stand? Klaus Steininger, European Commission
17 February 2020
Medium and Heavy Duty Vehicles Under California’s LCFS. Colin Murphy, UC Davis, USA
17 February 2020
Sustainability Requirements for Rechargeable Batteries Update of EU Battery Legislation in 2020
17 February 2020
Regulatory Frameworks on the End-of-life Treatment of Vehicles and Second Life of Key Components (namely Automotive Batteries). Jan Tytgat, Umicore
17 February 2020
Country Experience: Frameworks Facilitating the Development of Policies on Vehicle Circulation and/or Road Charges in Europe: Focus on the Integration of Electric Vehicles. Lucy Sadler, Sadler Consultants
17 February 2020
Integration of Electric Heavy Duty Vehicles in Fuel Economy Standards and Pollutant Emission Regulations in Other Major Markets. Felipe Rodriguez, ICCT
17 February 2020
A European View on Zero-emission Heavy Goods Transport. Klaus Steininger, European Commission
17 February 2020
Efforts Toward the Realisation of Hydrogen-use Society in Japan. Kazumi Maehara, JXTG, Japan
17 February 2020
Refuelling and Charging Infrastructure: Development Trends of Hyundai FCEV and Hydrogen Vision. Soonil Jeon, Hyundai Motor
17 February 2020
Toyota’s Vision and Involvement in FC Heavy Duty Standardisation. Vincent Mattelaer, Toyota Motor Europe
17 February 2020
Refuelling and Charging Infrastructure: State of Play in the EU. Pietro Moretto, European Commission (DG JRC)
17 February 2020
Hydrogen Refuelling: Overview of International Standards. Francoise de Jong, CEN CENELEC
17 February 2020
Electric Highway Systems.Helena Andersson, Trafikverket
17 February 2020
Low and Zero-emission Electric Heavy Duty Vehicles: Communication Protocols. Lonneke Driessen-Mutters, Elaad
17 February 2020