The “New Normal” in Liner Shipping: Are Policies Fit for Purpose?
Presentation, slides, speech,
12 November 2020
Recent Developments in Container Shipping and their Impacts on Ports
Presentation, slides, speech,
13 October 2020
Mobility as a Service: a New Ambition for Public Transport Authorities
Presentation, slides, speech,
12 October 2020
Pricing and efficient public transport supply in Mobility as a Service
Presentation, slides, speech,
12 October 2020
What MaaS we consider when thinking of data and platform governance?
Presentation, slides, speech,
12 October 2020
Implications of MaaS for public transport business models
Presentation, slides, speech,
12 October 2020
HOT Lanes: Their Distributional Impact and Effect on Congestion
Presentation, slides, speech,
20 September 2020
Overall Perspective on the Virtual Conference “Decarbonising Transport in an Unprecedented Global Crisis”: Round up of concluding remarks, including main conclusions from the sessions and next steps in the project. Franciso Furtado, ITF
Presentation, slides, speech,
29 July 2020
Decarbonising Transport in an Unprecedented Global Crisis Conference. Concluding Remarks. Pablo Rojas (Co-Chair, LEDS LAC; Regional Advisor for EUROCLIMA+ and GIZ)
Presentation, slides, speech,
29 July 2020
Next steps for Decarbonising Transport in Argentina. Concluding Session of the Decarbonising Transport in an Unprecedented Global Crisis Conference
Presentation, slides, speech,
29 July 2020
Integrated Land-Use and Transport Planning - Singapore’s Experience. Looi Teik Soon, Advisor, Singapore Land Transport Authority Academy (LTA)
Presentation, slides, speech,
27 July 2020
National and Regional strategies for logistics and balanced territorial development. Marelia Martinez Rivas, Expert on logistics
Presentation, slides, speech,
27 July 2020
Transport Decarbonisation and Regional Territorial Development /Descarbonización de transportes y desarrollo regional territorial. Christopher Zegras, Professor of Mobility and Urban Planning and Department Head, MIT
Presentation, slides, speech,
27 July 2020
Desarrollo Territorial y Movilidad Regional. Agustina González Cid, Secretaria de Planeamiento Rosario
Presentation, slides, speech,
27 July 2020
High Speed Railway Impacts on Regional Economy Lessons Learned in Korea. SeungKook WU, Korea Transport Institute (KOTI)
Presentation, slides, speech,
27 July 2020
Transport Decarbonisation and Regional Territorial Development – Introduction
Presentation, slides, speech,
27 July 2020
Alineamiento de las administraciones para descarbonizar el transporte y responder a la crisis del Covid-19. Lluís Alegre Valls, Director del área de movilidad
Presentation, slides, speech,
22 July 2020
Metropolitan Governance and Resilient Mobility in AMBA in an Unprecedented Global Crisis. Verónica Raffo, Senior Infrastructure Specialist, World Bank Group
Presentation, slides, speech,
22 July 2020
Movilidad Metropolitana y gobernanza multi-nivel. Felipe Rodriguez Laguens, Secretario de Articulación Interjurisdiccional, Ministerio de Transporte de Argentina
Presentation, slides, speech,
22 July 2020
Climate Action and Metropolitan Transport Authorities. Aimée Aguilar Jaber, Policy Analyst, OECD
Presentation, slides, speech,
22 July 2020
Metropolitan Governance for Decarbonising Transport - Introduction
Presentation, slides, speech,
22 July 2020
Desafíos de Logística Urbana Durante y después de la pandemia: Rosario. Eva Jokanovich, Secretaria de Movilidad
Presentation, slides, speech,
20 July 2020
Logística Urbana: Un acercamiento a los desafíos logísticos para las ciudades de la Argentina. Rodolfo Fiadone, Logistics expert Argentina
Presentation, slides, speech,
20 July 2020
Transport Decarbonisation in Times of Unprecedented Crisis: The case of Bogotá, Colombia. Nicolás Estupiñán, Secretary of Mobility of Bogotá
Presentation, slides, speech,
20 July 2020
Decarbonising Transport in an Unprecedented Global Crisis: Urban Logistics. Dr. Matthias Winkenbach, Director, MIT Megacity Logistics Lab
Presentation, slides, speech,
20 July 2020