Walking and Cycling
Déclaration des Ministres sur des transports pour un monde en changement. Sommet annuel 2014
Summit Declaration,
21 May 2014
Declaration from Ministers on Transport for a Changing World. 2014 Annual Summit
Summit Declaration,
21 May 2014
Examen par les pairs du développement du fret ferroviaire au Mexique
Research Report,
1 February 2014
Prospettive Dei Trasporti Del Fit (Forum Internazionale Dei Trasporti) 2015
Transport Outlook Summary,
1 January 2014
Perspectivas del transporte 2015 (ITF, Foro Internacional de Transporte)
Transport Outlook Summary,
1 January 2014
High Speed Rail in India - A Perspective after a Decade of Planning
Presentation, slides, speech,
19 December 2013
Puerto de Gran Escala. The Case for a New Container Terminal in Central Chile
Presentation, slides, speech,
7 November 2013
Better Regulation of Public-Private Partnerships for Transport Infrastructure
Roundtable Report, Policy Insights,
24 September 2013
Efficient Hinterland Transport Infrastructure and Services for Large Container Ports
Discussion Paper,
31 August 2013
Global Freight Volumes Indicate Increasing Dependency On Asia-Led Growth
Statistics Brief,
30 June 2013