Transport and Covid-19: responses and resources

Discussion Paper

Applying the Island Transport Equivalent to the Greek Islands

25 April 2024

This report looks at the need for Greece to redesign its inter-island transport system to make it...

Use of Mobile Telecommunication Data in Transport Modelling

25 April 2024

Transport planners see an opportunity in mobile phone data to better map trip destinations and...

A Review of Public Transport Policies in Remote Communities in Chile

25 April 2024

This report looks at the policies and programmes Chile has been putting in place over the past few...

Transport Connectivity for Remote Communities in Scotland

25 April 2024

This report looks at the transport challenges for remote areas in Scotland. It does so by examining...

Comparing Road and Rail Investment in Cost-Benefit Analysis

25 April 2024

This paper examines whether the results of cost-benefit analyses (CBA) for road and rail projects...

Dimensions of Accessibility Benefits

25 April 2024

This paper addresses the problem of involuntary social exclusion resulting from mobility...

Measuring Accessibility

25 April 2024

This paper discusses the current state of transport accessibility measurement. It demonstrates that...

A People-Centred Approach to Accessibility

25 April 2024

This paper discusses two variants of the accessibility paradigm for transport planning. The...

The Accessibility Shift

25 April 2024

This paper explores conceptual barriers to shifting the foundation of transport planning from...

Accessibility and Transport Appraisal

25 April 2024

This paper describes the different approaches to measuring accessibility benefits and the...