Transport and Covid-19: responses and resources

Discussion Paper

Commercial Navigation Along the Northern Sea Route

25 April 2024

This report assesses the business case for commercial navigation through Arctic waters along the...

Reconciling Accessibility Benefits with User Benefits

25 April 2024

This paper asks whether transport policy assessments should use accessibility benefits as a key...

The Cost of Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Shipping

29 October 2020

The shipping sector will need to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions significantly over the coming...

Trends in Car Use, Travel Demand and Policy Thinking

5 November 2020

This paper discusses the main trends of car use and travel demand, as well as changes in policy...

Reallocation of Road and Street Space in Oslo

26 October 2020

This paper discusses Norway’s zero-growth objective for passenger car traffic. It focuses on...

Cars and Space Consumption

26 October 2020

This paper discusses the importance of reducing the space consumption of car traffic as...

Zero Car Growth: A Challenge for Transport Justice

26 October 2020

This paper discusses the challenges to transport justice in the context of zero-car-growth policies...

How Mobility as a Service Impacts Public Transport Business Models

13 October 2020

To be successful, Mobility as a Service (MaaS) will need a model that can accommodate public and...

Piecing Together the Puzzle: Mobility as a Service from the User and Service Design Perspectives

22 April 2024

Many regions are seeking to improve mobility choices for citizens, both in congested city settings...

Mobility as a Service: A New Ambition for Public Transport Authorities

13 October 2020

This paper examines the relationship between traditional public transport and innovative mobility...