Transport and Covid-19: responses and resources

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    National action plans for maritime transport

    ... NAPs include negotiation efforts for the creation of these documents. Effective NAPs require negotiations between relevant actors in ... that have thus far provided NAPs, actions within the documents do not yet include actual decarbonisation gains from measures. Thus ...

    Artificial Intelligence in Road Traffic Crash Prevention Roundtable

    ... The role of AI in the mapping of dangerous locations on the road network Presented by Alexandre Santacreu (International Transport ... and George Yannis (National Technical University of Athens), 12 February 2021 Presentation: Average Speeds and Road Safety in ...

    Group on Road Transport

    The core responsibility of the ITF Group on Road Transport is to manage the Multilateral Quota system. It also deals with the regional aspects of road transport, according to its work programme. Management of the ...

    Road Safety Country Profiles

    ... This table contains links to individual PDFs for the IRTAD road safety country profiles, which are published separately to the IRTAD Road ... as well as relevant  national road safety strategy documents.  Country IRTAD country profile (latest year ...

    Maritime logistics performance

    ... be reduced through advance transmission and verification of documents. Further, digital queuing systems for trucks can decrease ... a single voyage of the “Bro Elizabeth” in 2009 was USD 12 400, which corresponded to a 2.3% reduction of the total freight bill to the ...