Transport and Covid-19: responses and resources

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    Awareness campaigns

    Overview:  Public awareness campaigns in transport typically aim to encourage the public to shift away from personal motorised travel to public transport, walking or cycling (however, other types of awareness campaigns can also be possible –...

    Electric vehicle delivery fleets

    ... Part D, pg 491-502 Fiori, C., and V. Marzano (2018) Modelling energy consumption of ... Logistics Practice. Transportation Research Procedia, Vol 12, p 157-169 Rizet, C., C. ...

    Enhanced signalling

    ... Signal Priority 3% for transit (AERIS, 2016) 1-2% for transit (Barth, 2015) These assessments do not take any ...

    SAA doubles back in subsidy saga

    ... it aircraft at a discount. It now denies this. The aviation industry worldwide is prone to anticompetitive behaviour because of ... network, you can abuse it,” Walters said. Subsidies in aviation are almost as old as air transport itself, according to an ...

    Reciprocal Recognition of Parking Badges

    In 1978, the ECMT Council of Ministers agreed that all Member Countries of the ECMT would grant the same parking concessions to people with disabilities as they offered their own nationals. These concessions usually allowed special parking in...

    Airport Capacity and Competition Roundtable

    ... on the outcomes of different slot-allocation methods for aviation users and how pricing of airport capacity can improve environmental ... to help ensure airport slot allocation frameworks best meet aviation policy objectives. Project visual:  ...