Transport and Covid-19: responses and resources

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    Decarbonising Transport

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    Enhanced non-urban passenger rail infrastructure

    Overview:  Enhancing non-urban passenger rail infrastructure may involve improvements to existing infrastructure or ... electrifying existing lines to upgrading lines to high-speed rail corridors allowing speeds over 200 km/h. Currently, the most developed ...

    Enhanced urban rail infrastructure

    Overview:  Urban rail systems can come in different forms: Heavy commuter rail lines either run on dedicated high-capacity tracks and infrastructure or share the same tracks with other rail services. Metro systems are completely segregated from other traffic ...

    Enhanced and expanded rail for freight

    ... and inland waterways. Hence, shifting freight from road to rail is potentially one of the best ways to decarbonise freight transport, ... in widespread use, with a century of existence. Rail has been particularly suited to move low-value, high-density goods over ...