Transport and Covid-19: responses and resources

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    Company car taxation, business travel and teleworking incentives

    ... with company cars drive 24 672 km per year, compared with 12 828 km per year for private cars. Such differences can translate to a ... Royal Society for Public Health (2016) ...

    Integrated ticketing

    ... operations and planning of transport systems Rail Road Transport:  Passenger Selection ... > Enhanced urban rail infrastructure ...


    ... Transport Indicators: Note: Rail freight transport includes transit. Since 2006, rail freight transport includes transport carried out all rail operators (only ...

    Land-use planning in urban areas

    ... live in. Cities with already high densities can invest in rail transit to manage urban growth by extending lines into less-developed ... area can lower households' transport demand by about 5–12%. If coupled with high employment concentrations, mixed uses, and other ...

    Freight transport: asset sharing and digital platform

    ... freight creates a viably sized traffic flow for a rail/intermodal service. Ultimately, improvements that lead to load ... up-scaling Aviation Maritime Rail Road Transport:  Freight Selection of ... San Miguel reduced CO2 emissions from road transport by 12% in 2018 with CHEP, ...

    Promoting inland waterways

    ... However, as railway emissions for the corresponding rail segment are lower than those of river transport, emissions could increase ... public: 2001-2014. Jonkeren O., ...

    Fuel quality/Low-carbon fuel standard

    ... vectors Aviation Maritime Rail Road Transport:  Passenger Freight ... (ICAO), ...