Transport and Covid-19: responses and resources

Access, Inclusion

Connecting Remote Communities Roundtable

29 November 2022

Roundtable participants sought to identify policies that ensure adequate access to indispensable...

Micromobility, Equity and Sustainability Roundtable

29 November 2022

This Roundtable examined micromobility trends and reviewed its benefits and social costs, with the...

The Economic Benefits of Improved Accessibility to Transport Systems Roundtable

29 November 2022

A main objective of transport policy and planning should be to guarantee and enhance accessibility...

Access and Safety in European Cities

21 November 2022

On accessibility, the project will develop a global tool for urban accessibility metrics that can...

Urban Planning and Travel Behaviour

16 April 2024

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The role of gender equality in decarbonising transport

4 November 2022

15:00 - 16:00 CETTransport is not gender-neutral, nor are the causes and impacts of climate change...

Youth on the move: Young people and transport in the 21st century

23 January 2024

11:00 - 12:30 CETHow young people move and interact with transport matters. For them, mobility is a...

Accelerating action on gender equality: How can streets and public spaces enable safer travel for women?

10 November 2022

16:00-17:30 CET This webinar explores how lack of safety or the perception of unsafe transport...

Women's Forum Global Meeting

30 November 2022

ITF Secretary-General Young Tae Kim speaks at a key session on climate justice at the Women's Forum...

Transport Knowledge Conference 2022

30 September 2022

Danielle Bassan, Principal Advisor Ministry of Transport, New Zealand presents the joint ITF...