Transport and Covid-19: responses and resources

Access, Inclusion

Working Group on Sustainable Accessibility for All

20 June 2022

ITF Secretary-General Young Tae Kim gives opening remarks at the ITF's Working Group on Sustainable...

Roundtable on Shaping Post-Covid Mobility in Cities

11 October 2022

ITF Secretary-General Young Tae Kim gives opening remarks this Roundtable that brings together ITF...

14th ITS European Congress

6 April 2022

ITF Secretary-General Young Tae Kim participates in the 14th ITS European Congress. This event...

Decarbonising Pathways for Urban Passenger Transport in Ulaanbaatar: Fact-Finding Mission

13 June 2023

The ITF organises an on-site kickoff and fact-finding mission to Mongolia, as a part of ITF's...

Global Mobility Call

25 April 2022

ITF Secretary-General Young Tae Kim speaks on the role of transport in economic growth,...

Women in Transport: Towards Gender-Balanced Transport in the Region

7 March 2022

ITF Institutional Relations and Summit Manager Magdalena Olczak-Rancitelli speaks on the Women and...

Women and Road Safety: Are we on Track to Meet SDG Target 3.6? Day Two

3 March 2022

This event brings together high-level officials to discuss a series of case studies addressing the...

Women and Road Safety: Are we on Track to Meet SDG Target 3.6? Day One

3 March 2022

This event brings together high-level officials to discuss a series of case studies addressing the...

Ask the Author: “Innovations for Better Rural Mobility"

27 January 2022

14:30-15:00 CETIn this 30-minute online presentation and question and answer session, author Lucie...