Transport and Covid-19: responses and resources

Freight, Logistics

Special Lectures Series: “Bringing continents together: Azerbaijan’s role for sustainable transport

16 February 2023

ITF Secretary-General Young Tae Kim opens this session, where Ambassador Leyla Abdullayeva,...

Ask the Author: "The Potential of E-fuels to Decarbonise Ships and Aircraft"

24 January 2023

14:30 CETIn this 30-minute online presentation and question and answer session, authors Matteo...


5 February 2024

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World Economic Forum Annual Meeting

17 January 2023

ITF Secretary-General Young Tae Kim joins the annual meeting with leaders from government, business...

Commercial Vehicle On-Board Safety Systems Roundtable

20 December 2022

This ITF Roundtable covered the following specific issues:What CMV-specific technologies for...

Future Maritime Trade Flows Roundtable

15 December 2022

The density of these flows will be driven by the demand for traded goods and the cost of...

ITF Transport Outlook 2023

18 July 2024

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Efficiency in Railway Operations and Infrastructure Management Roundtable

14 December 2022

The natural monopoly characteristics of rail service in some markets, driven by economies of...

ITF Transport Outlook Project

18 July 2024

Based on cutting-edge ITF modelling, it provides decision makers in government and...

Ask the Author: "Carbon Pricing in Shipping"

14 December 2022

14:30 CETIn this 30-minute online presentation and Q&A, author Olaf Merk presents the new ITF...