Transport and Covid-19: responses and resources

Freight, Logistics

High-level thematic roundtable on Regional supply chains and connectivity

10 May 2022

ITF Secretary-General Young Tae Kim speaks on resilient supply chains and connectivity at UNESCAP's...

Performance of Maritime Logistics

18 April 2024

[caption align="right"][[{"fid":"53144","view_mode":"default","fields":{"format":"default"},"type...

Presentation of ITF report “Mode Choice in Freight Transport”

17 March 2022

13:00 CETMembers of ITF's Working Group "Mode Choice in Freight Transport" present the Group's...

World Trade Organization Global Supply Chains Forum

10 March 2022

16:15-18:15 CETITF Secretary-General Young-Tae Kim speaks on the panel, "Unlocking Solutions to...

Mode Choice in Freight Transport

18 April 2024

[caption align="right"][[{"fid":"52705","view_mode":"default","fields":{"format":"default","...

Second meeting of the Common Interest Group on Decarbonising Heavy-Duty Road Transport

16 February 2022

The aim of the group’s second meeting was to learn more about the technical and economic challenges...

Second meeting of the Common Interest Group on Decarbonising Heavy-Duty Road Transport

16 February 2022

The aim of the group’s second meeting was to learn more about the technical and economic challenges...

Second meeting of the Common Interest Group on Decarbonising Heavy-Duty Road Transport

16 February 2022

The aim of the group’s second meeting was to learn more about the technical and economic challenges...

First meeting of the Common Interest Group on Decarbonising Heavy-Duty Road Transport

16 February 2022

The aim of the group’s first meeting was to define the group’s scope of work. This meeting allowed...

Develop Decarbonising Pathways for Freight Transport: The ITF Approach

25 April 2022

ITF organises a pre-kickoff and training workshop, “Develop Decarbonising Pathways for Freight...