Transport and Covid-19: responses and resources


Enhancing Connectivity and Freight in Central Asia

12 February 2021

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Mobilising Private Investment in Infrastructure: Investment De-Risking and Uncertainty

27 August 2020

Public investment in infrastructure was the first to be cut by fiscally constrained governments...

Regulatory Capacity Building

27 August 2020

[caption align="right"][[{"fid":"19905","view_mode":"default","fields":{"format":"default","...

Risk Allocation in Mega-Projects in Denmark

27 August 2020

This paper uses three Danish-Swedish-German transport infrastructure mega-projects - the Storebælt...

Light Protection of Cycle Lanes: Best Practices

27 August 2020

This report reviews the effectiveness of light separation as an alternative to more permanent...

Efficiency and Sustainability in Multimodal Supply Chains

27 August 2020

This paper describes approaches in intermodal supply chain management that aim to balance...

The Danish State Guarantee Model for Infrastructure Investment

27 August 2020

This paper describes the model of infrastructure delivery and management known as the Danish State...

The Thames Tideway Tunnel

27 August 2020

This paper examines the how the Thames Tideway Tunnel, a major infrastructure project in the United...

Risk Pricing in Infrastructure Delivery

27 August 2020

This report examines how the public sector could make infrastructure projects less costly by...

Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM)

1 September 2022