Transport and Covid-19: responses and resources


Adapting Transport Policy to Climate Change

28 August 2020

Transport accounts for nearly a quarter of carbon dioxide emissions from fuel combustion. The price...

Estimating Wider Economic Impacts in Transport Project Prioritisation using Ex-Post Analysis

1 September 2022

Transport project prioritisation and selection processes require consideration of many aspects of...

Incorporating Wider Economic Impacts within Cost-Benefit Appraisal

1 September 2022

This paper analyses three main mechanisms through which transport improvements have impacts that...

A New Hinterland Rail Link for the Port of Koper?

1 September 2022

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Improving the Practice of Transport Project Appraisal

28 August 2020

Cost-benefit analysis (CBA) is indispensable for making good decisions on what transport projects...

Better Regulation of Public-Private Partnerships for Transport Infrastructure

28 August 2020

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ITF Transport Outlook 2013: Funding Transport

28 August 2020

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Expanding Airport Capacity in Large Urban Areas

28 August 2020

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ITF Transport Outlook 2015

28 August 2020

The ITF Transport Outlook examines the development of global transport volumes and related CO2...

Major Transport Infrastructure Projects and Economic Development

28 August 2020

This report discusses the state of the art in understanding the economic effects of major transport...