Transport and Covid-19: responses and resources


Sustainable Infrastructure Programme in Asia - Transport

7 June 2024

To reap the benefits of improved connectivity and accessibility without adding to climate change,...

How Improving Public Transport and Shared Mobility Can Reduce Urban Passenger Emissions

15 March 2023

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5 February 2024

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How the war in Ukraine impacts aviation – and what to do about it

22 December 2022

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Improving Transport Planning and Investment Through the Use of Accessibility Indices Workshop

19 December 2022

The workshop aimed to: Analyse the capacity of different types of accessibility indices to capture...

Capacity Building through Efficient Use of Existing Airport Infrastructure Roundtable

16 December 2022

The efficient and effective allocation of existing capacity is therefore increasingly...

Integrated and Sustainable Urban Transport Roundtable

16 December 2022

Providing high quality and integrated transport requires actors to think in terms of entire end-to-...

ITF Transport Outlook 2023

18 July 2024

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Efficiency in Railway Operations and Infrastructure Management Roundtable

14 December 2022

The natural monopoly characteristics of rail service in some markets, driven by economies of...

ITF Transport Outlook Project

18 July 2024

Based on cutting-edge ITF modelling, it provides decision makers in government and...