Transport and Covid-19: responses and resources

Public Transport

CODATU XVII Conference

1 September 2022

The Economic Benefits of Improved Accessibility to Transport Systems

28 August 2020

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Shaping the Relationship Between Public Transport and Innovative Mobility

28 August 2020

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Transition to Shared Mobility

28 August 2020

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Linking People and Places

12 February 2021

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Public Transport Operator RATP Group Joins Corporate Partnership Board

1 September 2022

Paris-based public transport operator RATP Group has become a member of the Corporate Partnership...

European Mobility Week 2017

1 September 2022

Measuring Integration and Urban Sustainability with Indicators

1 September 2022

This paper proposes a framework to monitor progress towards improved integration in public...

Modern Tram and Public Transport Integration in Chinese Cities: A Case Study of Suzhou

1 September 2022

This paper explores the role of modern trams in Chinese cities and identifies issues and challenges...