Transport and Covid-19: responses and resources

Public Transport

ITF 交通アウトルック 2021:日本語翻訳版

5 January 2023

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Sustainable Accessibility for All Working Group

28 June 2024

Moving beyond the individual concepts of physical access and mobility entails focusing on the...

Funding Public Transport Working Group

3 April 2024

The project seeks to identify new and under-exploited revenue sources, clarify principles and...

Decarbonising Transport in India: Analysis, Dialogue, and Action

9 December 2022

ITF Secretary-General Young Tae Kim leads an ITF delegation to India for this two-day event...

Zero Value of Time Roundtable

29 November 2022

People often report positive utilities due to activities that can be conducted whilst travelling,...

Working Group on Sustainable Accessibility for All

29 November 2022

Accessibility has been a topic of growing interest in transport planning and policy making in...

Working Group on Funding Public Transport, 2nd meeting

29 November 2022

Experts convene for the second meeting of the Working Group on Funding Public Transport. Funding...

ITF work on Shared Mobility

23 November 2022

This work starts from the observation that the car today is a spectacularly under-used asset. The...

Access and Safety in European Cities

21 November 2022

On accessibility, the project will develop a global tool for urban accessibility metrics that can...

NDC Transport Initiative for Asia

21 August 2024

The project engages in China, India and Viet Nam over the period 2020-24. Rapid economic growth and...