Transport and Covid-19: responses and resources

Traffic Volume, Usage, Demand

Urban Toll: Rethinking Acceptability Through Accessibility

27 August 2020

This paper highlights the necessity of a spatial approach to addressing the acceptability problem...

Long-Term Effects of the Swedish Congestion Charges

27 August 2020

This paper summarises the state of research on the long-term effects of congestion charging in...

Assessing the Net Overall Distributive Effect of a Congestion Charge

27 August 2020

This paper offers new insights into the definition, measurement and operationalisation of different...

The Social Impacts of Road Pricing

27 August 2020

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Balancing Efficiency and Resilience in Multimodal Supply Chains

27 August 2020

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Exposure-Adjusted Road Fatality Rates for Cycling and Walking in European Countries

27 August 2020

This paper presents fatality rates for walking and cycling in European Countries used in the World...

Regulating App-Based Mobility Services

11 February 2021

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