Transport and Covid-19: responses and resources

Traffic Volume, Usage, Demand

Compare your Country: New Online Tool to Visualise Key Transport Indicators

1 September 2022

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CO2 Mitigation Measures for Transport Will Not Achieve Climate Ambitions

28 August 2020

Current and foreseeable policies to mitigate carbon-dioxide (CO2) emissions from global transport...

ITF Transport Outlook 2017

1 September 2022

The ITF Transport Outlook provides an overview of recent trends and near-term prospects for the...

Assessing the Impacts of the Road Safety Remuneration System in Australia

1 September 2022

This paper is a case study of the application of Regulatory Impact Assessment (RIA) to the...

INRIX Roadway Analytics Webinar

28 August 2020

INRIX Roadway Analytics Webinar: Improving Roadway Performance in Cities and Across Strategic...

Assessing Consumer Welfare Impacts of Aviation Policy Measures

1 September 2022

This paper presents a model framework for estimating second-order network effects and the resulting...