Investment, Pricing, Taxation
Expanding Airport Capacity under Constraints in Large Urban Areas: The German Experience
Presentation, slides, speech,
21 February 2013
Upgrading to World Class: The Future of the New York Region’s Airports
Discussion Paper,
1 February 2013
The Fantasy World of Private Finance for Transport via Public Private Partnerships
Discussion Paper,
31 August 2012
OECD Countries Spend 1% of GDP on Road and Rail Infrastructure on Average
Statistics Brief,
31 May 2012
What Does Improved Fuel Economy Cost Consumers and What Does it Cost Taxpayers?
Discussion Paper,
30 April 2011
Effective Regulatory Institutions: The Regulator's Role in the Policy Process, Including Issues of Regulatory Independence
Discussion Paper,
2 December 2010
The Practice of Cost-Benefit Analysis in the Transport Sector. Mexico Perspective
Presentation, slides, speech,
20 October 2010
The Practice of Project Appraisal in France and the Role of CBA in Decision Making
Presentation, slides, speech,
20 October 2010
The Practice of Cost Benefit Analysis in the Transport Sector: A Mexican Perspective
Discussion Paper,
20 October 2010
The Practice of Cost Benefit Analysis in Transport: The Case of France
Discussion Paper,
20 October 2010
Transport Regulation from Theory to Practice: General Observations and a Case Study
Discussion Paper,
30 September 2010