Transport and Covid-19: responses and resources


Rail Data Forum

14 June 2024

The railway industry is not just about trains or tracks. It is also about data. The crucial role of...

Rail Data Forum

20 June 2024

The railway industry is not just about trains or tracks; it is also about data. The crucial role of...

Italy’s national railway operator FS Italiane joins the ITF Corporate Partnership Board

5 March 2024

The International Transport Forum (ITF) is delighted to announce that the Ferrovie dello Stato...

Transit-Oriented Development and Accessibility: Case studies from Southeast Asian cities

7 December 2023

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Smart Freight Week

18 April 2023

Head of the ITF Secretary-General's Office Jari Kauppila speaks at the sessions "Future Pathways...

Sustainable Infrastructure Programme in Asia – Transport (SIPA-T) Philippines Final Dissemination Event

26 July 2023

On 24 April 2023, a modelling training session took place, gathering ITF project staff and...

Ask the Author: "How Improving Public Transport and Shared Mobility Can Reduce Urban Passenger Emissions"

7 March 2023

14:30 CETIn this 30-minute online presentation and question and answer session, author Josephine...

Enhancing Regional Freight Connectivity for Southeast Asia

4 September 2024

As governments across Southeast Asia devise recovery plans to address the social and economic...

Enhancing Regional Freight Connectivity for Central Asia

13 June 2024

The regional study for Central Asia leverages the ITF Global Freight Model to analyse and quantify...

Funding Public Transport Working Group: Third Meeting

10 March 2023

More information coming soon.