Transport and Covid-19: responses and resources


Celebrating 30 years of CER

27 August 2020

Young Tae Kim, ITF Secretary-General, will join the panel discussion "30 years of CER and EU...

10th UIC Congress on High-speed Rail

27 August 2020

ITF Secretary-General Young Tae Kim will speak at Round Table 2 on "How can high-speed rail (re)...

Jousting with Dragons: A Resilience Engineering approach to managing SMS in the transport sector

1 September 2022

System resilience is the ability for complex, dynamic-adaptive socio-technical systems to absorb...

The Evolution of Public Transport Contracts in France

1 September 2022

This paper presents the evolution of public transport contracts in France and the historical and...

Alstom joins Corporate Partnership Board of the International Transport Forum

1 September 2022

Alstom will participate in policy-related projects on transport infrastructure and services, as...

Assessing Regulatory Changes in the Transport Sector

28 August 2020

The specific characteristics of transport services and markets, including their importance in...

Modern Tram and Public Transport Integration in Chinese Cities: A Case Study of Suzhou

1 September 2022

This paper explores the role of modern trams in Chinese cities and identifies issues and challenges...