Transport and Covid-19: responses and resources

Capacity Building through Efficient Use of Existing Airport Infrastructure Roundtable

With increasing demand for air travel, airports in many countries are facing capacity constraints.

The efficient and effective allocation of existing capacity is therefore increasingly important. This roundtable organised by ITF and Instituto Mexicano del Transporte convened international experts and industry representatives to discuss how to build airport capacity through efficient use of existing infrastructure, with focus on how governments can regulate capacity allocation to improve air connectivity.


Chair's Summary

Barry Humphreys, BKH Aviation

Time to Sweat the Assets?

Geert Boosten, Aviation Academy of Amsterdam

Alternative Solutions to Airport Saturation: Simulation Models applied to congested airports

Alfonso Herrera García, Instituto Mexicano del Transporte

Influencing Air Connectivity Outcomes

Guillaume Burghouwt, SEO Amsterdam Economics

The Value of Additional Airport Slots

Nicole Adler, Hebrew University of Jerusalem