Decarbonising Pathways for Freight Transport in the Philippines

This project concluded in 2023. For the full project results, please see the final report.
You may also find a brief overview of the key findings in the project brochure.
Finally, you can explore the implications of different policies for trade, transport and environmental outcomes using the visualisation dashboard.
Access visualisation dashboard for different policy scenarios
About the project
This study was split into three phases. The first phase explored the freight transport context in the Philippines, including a fact-finding mission to interview local experts and collect relevant information and data.
Second, ITF conducted a quantitative assessment of decarbonising pathways for the Philippines. A virtual stakeholder workshop helped to design policy pathways, including a baseline scenario and two alternative scenarios with more ambitious decarbonisation policy measures. The Green Fleet scenario assumes the introduction of additional fleet decarbonisation measures to better align the Philippines’ transport CO2 emissions with their national goals. The Seamless Intermodality scenario explores policies that create a more efficient multi-modal freight transport network by increasing capacity and reducing delays.
The ITF’s Global Freight Model was then used to evaluate the impact of these policy scenarios on economic, transport and environmental outcomes and develop a set of recommendations. Best practices for low-carbon freight transport systems were then disseminated to the project stakeholders. In addition, a technical training session presented ITF’s methodology, the scenario visualisation tool, and the results of the quantitative analysis.
This work is part of the Sustainable Infrastructure Programme in Asia – Transport (SIPA-T) project which helps decision-makers in Central and Southeast Asia to identify ways to enhance the efficiency and sustainability of transport networks.
Additional Project Resources
Learn about the ITF Modelling Framework