Transport and Covid-19: responses and resources

ITF Transport Outlook Project

Future of transport
The ITF Transport Outlook project develops and analyses forward-looking scenarios for global transport activity across all transport modes.

Based on cutting-edge ITF modelling, it provides decision makers in government and industry with coherent scenarios for future demand in passenger mobility, freight volumes and transport-related CO2 emissions to 2050. Consolidated findings are presented in ITF’s flagship report, the ITF Transport Outlook, published every other year as part of the OECD Outlook series. The ITF Transport Outlook provides an overview of recent trends and near-term prospects for the transport sector at a global level as well as long-term prospects for transport demand to 2050. The 2021 edition specifically examines reshaping transport in the wake of Covid-19 and the impacts on emissions and the climate. It explores policies to bring the ambitions of the Paris agreement within reach and to make low-carbon transport a reality. It also reviews our approach to accessibility and the cross-sectoral collaboration needed to achieve sustainability. 


ITF Transport Outlook 2023

The future of sustainable mobility