Transport and Covid-19: responses and resources

First Ministerial Meeting on Enhanced Climate Action in Tourism (COP29 Event)

09.00 - 11.00 AZT/UTC+4

COP29, Presidential Room, Amphitheater, Blue Zone

ITF Secretary-General Young Tae Kim intervenes during this event, using the opportunity to promote the forthcoming launch of the report “Decarbonising Aviation: Exploring the Consequences.” This event serves as the official opening of the first Tourism Day and Ministerial Meeting and includes the announcement of the COP29 Declaration on Enhanced Climate Action in Tourism.

This meeting provides the tourism sector with a platform to showcase its critical role and advancements in addressing climate change, recognising both its vulnerability to climate impacts and its potential to contribute to solutions. It sets the stage for future collaboration, policy innovations, and private sector engagement.

Click here to know more about the report

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