Transport and Covid-19: responses and resources

The Innovative Mobility Landscape: The Case of Mobility as a Service

This report reviews changes in today’s urban mobility landscape and the potential of Mobility as a Service (MaaS) to improve travel in cities. It assesses essential governance and regulatory challenges that stakeholders must address to create a healthy ecosystem for Mobility as a Service which aligns with societal objectives and delivers clear benefits to people.

This report is produced in partnership with the World Business Council For Sustainable Development (WBCSD).

Policy Insights

  • Anchor the governance of Mobility as a Service in a strategic vision, applied to the whole functional urban area and informed by effective digital monitoring
  • Seek greater understanding of how Mobility as a Service can add value for the user
  • Guide Mobility as a Service where necessary to achieve agreed societal outcomes
  • Adopt a flexible and light-handed regulatory approach towards Mobility as a Service platforms
  • Adopt a predictable regulatory approach and allow for evolution
  • Enhance public transport authorities’ and operators’ ability to negotiate terms of sale and re-use of tickets with Mobility as a Service providers
  • Base data-sharing frameworks on the principle of “as open as possible, as closed as necessary”
  • Build data portability into the MaaS ecosystem by default
  • Consider common building blocks for sharing data
  • Establish data-reporting requirements that are proportionate and targeted to outcomes
  • Adopt complementary policies in other areas to ensure that the Mobility as a Service ecosystem contributes to desired policy outcomes
  • Invest in the built environment and interchange facilities
  • Skill sets will need to evolve to improve the public authority’s capacity to regulate and assess digital markets

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