Maritime policies in focus
Kitack Lim, Secretary-General of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) and ITF Secretary-General Young Tae Kim met at the IMO headquarters in London on 6 February to discuss maritime issues and opportunities for collaboration. The co-operation between IMO and ITF dates back to an Agreement of Co-operation signed in 2009. Most recently, the ITF contributed a submission to the IMO’s work on an Initial Greenhouse Gas Strategy for the maritime sector. ITF’s Decarbonising Transport project also includes work on CO2 emissions reduction strategies for the shipping sector, with a case study on decarbonisation of maritime transport in Sweden due to be published in March. Young Tae Kim also attended the policy committee of the International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) on 5 February to present ITF and it's work to representatives of the global shipping industry. The ICS has been a regular participant in ITF's annual stakeholder consultation meetings and also in the ITF Summits.