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Transport Ministers convene in Santiago de Chile for High-level Regional Dialogue on Transport in Latin America

Transport ministers from Latin America and the Caribbean meet with representatives of regional transport authorities, development banks and international organisations in Chile’s capital Santiago on 2 and 3 April for the 3rd ITF High-level Regional Dialogue on Transport for Latin America to shape a common regional approach to shared transport issues.

The agenda includes the following topics:

  • The future of public transport;
  • Transport governance;
  • Infrastructure and climate change;
  • Informal transport, rural connectivity and accessibility;
  • Port development and logistics: Latin America in large production chains;
  • The future of new energy sources: opportunities in electrification, green hydrogen and other energy sources for transport.

Among the confirmed participants are also ministers and high-level participants from other countries engaged in the region, among them Canada, Lithuania, Spain and the USA, as well as the heads of the International Association of Public Transport (UITP) and Airports Council International (ACI World).

Ministers will present the conclusions of the High-level Dialogue at a press conference on Wednesday, 3 April. Please reach out to the media contacts below for details.

The opening and closing of the High-level Dialogue will be livestreamed. Please refer to the X/Twitter accounts of Chile’s Ministry of Transport and Telecommunications (@MTTChile) or the International Transport Forum (@ITF_Forum) for details.

Chile’s Minister of Transport and Telecommunication Juan Carlos Muñoz will present the conclusions of the High-level Regional Dialogue to colleagues from around the world at the global summit of transport ministers in Leipzig, Germany in May. At the Leipzig Summit, Chile will assume the Presidency of the International Transport Forum for 2024/5.

The 3rd High-level Regional Dialogue on Transport for Latin America is organised by the ITF in collaboration with Chile’s Ministry of Transport and Communication and with the support of the United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean.
Media contacts:

International Transport Forum                                  
Michael KLOTH                                                                                                                
Head of Communications                                               
M +33 (0)6 15 95 03 27                                                   
Send an email
Ministry of Transport and Telecommunications of Chile
Daniela TORRES 
Chief of Press
P +569 9663 1340
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