Air Freight Volumes Indicate Slowing Growth in the Second Quarter 2015
Statistics Brief,
19 October 2015
Air Freight Volumes Indicate Slowing Growth in the Second Quarter 2015
Statistics Brief,
30 September 2015
Logistics Strategy and Performance Measurement: Mexico’s National Observatory for Transport and Logistics
Case-Specific Policy Analysis,
30 April 2015
Drivers of Logistics Performance: A Case Study of Turkey
Corporate Partnership Board Report, Policy Insights,
30 April 2015
National Performance Indicator Observatory on Freight Transport and Logistics
Presentation, slides, speech,
9 March 2015
The World Bank’s Logistics Performance Index (LPI) and Drivers of Logistics Performance
Presentation, slides, speech,
9 March 2015
Measuring Public Investment in Transport Infrastructure and Logistics Indicators for Efficient Investment
Presentation, slides, speech,
9 March 2015
Port Performance Thoughts to Share Why Measure Performance? How to Measure?
Presentation, slides, speech,
9 March 2015
Air Freight Volumes Indicate a Potential Improvement of the Near-Term Outlook
Statistics Brief,
1 February 2015