Transport and Covid-19: responses and resources


Charting Pathways to Decarbonise Transport
Side event organised by ITF, International Union of Railways (UIC) and International Association of Public Transport (UITP)
11 November, 13:15 - 14:45 Room Bering (Blue Zone)
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In order to successfully decarbonise the transport sector, challenges in all transport modes must be addressed. This event will focus on developing new pathways and closing the gaps between national commitments and delivery on climate mitigation for all transport modes. Success factors and actions required to move from concept to implementation on decarbonising transport by 2050 will be discussed.

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Transport Models as Climate Policy Evaluation Tools
Side event organised by ITF
12 November, 16:30 - 18:00 in the EU Pavilion
The International Transport Forum is developing a suite of modelling tools that will help countries navigate the political pathway to achieve their national decarbonisation commitments. This event will highlight the importance of rigorous and coherent analysis of policies and outcomes, considering exogenous factors and their impacts, and ways to simulate technological evolution and alternative policy paths. ITF will share results from its transport models and invite its Decarbonising Transport project knowledge partners and other stakeholders to participate. 

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