Road Safety in European Cities

This reports benchmarks road safety performance for 72 urban areas, mostly in Europe, and illustrates governance solutions to improve urban road safety with case studies conducted in Lisbon (Portugal) and Riga (Latvia). The report proposes new road safety indicators to assess the level of risk for each mode of transport. It finds that a modal shift away from private motor vehicles could significantly enhance road safety in dense urban areas and deliver public health benefits associated with increased physical activity and improved air quality.
Policy Insights
- Develop mobility plans and observatories in cities.
- Use appropriate indicators to measure the safety of vulnerable road users.
- Collect traffic casualty data from hospitals and from the population, not only from police records.
- Improve the comparability of road safety statistics. Adopt ambitious targets for casualty number reduction.
- Focus on protecting vulnerable road users.
- Conduct further research on crash risks.
- Local government should demonstrate leadership.
- Gather evidence that can serve as fundament of road safety policy.
- Create strong Metropolitan Transport Authorities.