Transport and Covid-19: responses and resources


Collaboration in Supply Chain Management: A Resilience Perspective

27 August 2020

This paper investigates how collaboration between stakeholders can help make supply chains more...

Balancing Efficiency and Resilience in Multimodal Supply Chains

27 August 2020

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Shaping the Future of Argentina's Container Ports

27 August 2020

Argentina currently has an opportunity to redesign its containerised freight transport system. The...

Digital technology holds huge possibilities for maritime logistics

27 August 2020

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(Un)certain Skies? Drones in the World of Tomorrow

12 February 2021

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Integrating Urban Public Transport Systems and Cycling

27 August 2020

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The Impact of Mega-Ships: The Case of Jakarta

27 August 2020

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Intermodal Europe 2017

1 September 2022

Local Governments and Ports

1 September 2022

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