Transport and Covid-19: responses and resources

Safety, Security, Health

Road Safety Annual Report 2018

26 July 2023

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Cycling Safety

27 August 2020

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New York City wins global award for improving urban road safety

27 August 2020

Paris/Leipzig, 24 May 2018 | New York City is the winner of the 2018 Transport Achievement Award of...

British-Romanian researcher wins global award for analysis of drink-driving crashes

1 September 2022

The winner of the International Transport Forum’s 2018 Young Researcher of the Year Award is Dr...

Safer City Streets Network: 4th meeting

27 August 2020


Lower Speed Means Fewer Road Deaths

27 August 2020

A new report by the International Transport Forum confirms that lower speeds make roads safer.The...

Vitesse et risque d’accident

27 August 2020

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