Transport and Covid-19: responses and resources

Traffic Volume, Usage, Demand

Workshop: Data sharing architecture for Mobility as a Service

4 May 2022

15.00 - 18.00 CETITF experts, representatives of the ITF's Corporate Partnership Board and...

Performance of Maritime Logistics

18 April 2024

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ITF South and Southwest Asia Transport Outlook

18 April 2024

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ITF Southeast Asia Transport Outlook

18 April 2024

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Decarbonising Pathways for Urban Passenger Transport in Ulaanbaatar: Fact-Finding Mission

13 June 2023

The ITF organises an on-site kickoff and fact-finding mission to Mongolia, as a part of ITF's...

Diplome Universitaire – Sécurité routière en Afrique

2 March 2022

ITF Policy Analyst for Road Safety Veronique Feypell opens Gustave Eiffel University's two-week...

Developing Innovative Mobility Solutions in the Brussels-Capital Region

19 April 2024

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Road freight volumes continued to grow in 2020

3 December 2021

Road freight volumes continued to grow in 2020, while goods transport by other modes slowed down...