Transport and Covid-19: responses and resources


Competitive Interaction between Airports, Airlines and High-Speed Rail

28 August 2020

How should airports be regulated to contain market power? This report first examines whether they...

Railway Accounts for Effective Regulation

28 August 2020

For at least the last 15 years, the railways of the member countries of the ECMThave been facing a...

Privatisation and Regulation of Urban Transit Systems

28 August 2020

Urban public transport services generally run at a large deficit. This has led public authorities...

Regulatory Reform of Railways in Russia

28 August 2020

This report was prepared by the ECMT as part of a wider programme of co-operation on...

Concurrence et interactions entre aéroports, services de transports aériens et ferroviaires

28 August 2020

Comment réglementer les aéroports de façon à limiter leur pouvoir de marché ? Ce rapport part du...