International Transport
Fostering closer links with Asia
27 August 2020
As part of ITF's drive to enhance engagement with Asian countries, ITF Secretary-General Young Tae...
Airport Demand Forecasting for Long-Term Planning
1 September 2022
[caption align="right"][[{"type":"media","fid":"15867","view_mode":"default","link_text":null,"...
Intermodal Transport: National Peer Review - Turkey
28 August 2020
Turkey is growing fast, owing mainly to rapidly increasing trade. In order to facilitate this trade...
Drugs and Driving: Detection and Deterrence
28 August 2020
Driving while impaired by drugs - whether licit or illicit - has emerged as an important road...
Improving the Practice of Transport Project Appraisal
28 August 2020
Cost-benefit analysis (CBA) is indispensable for making good decisions on what transport projects...
Moving Freight with Better Trucks
28 August 2020
The purpose of this report is to identify potential improvements in terms of more effective safety...
Better Economic Regulation: The Role of the Regulator
28 August 2020
Efficient provision of transport infrastructure is critical to economic growth. The long asset...
Pedestrian Safety, Urban Space and Health
28 August 2020
[caption align="right"][[{"fid":"18182","view_mode":"default","fields":{"format":"default","...
ITF Transport Outlook 2013: Funding Transport
28 August 2020
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ITF Transport Outlook 2015
28 August 2020
The ITF Transport Outlook examines the development of global transport volumes and related CO2...