Transport and Covid-19: responses and resources


Supporting Event for UN General Assembly High-level Meeting on Improving Global Road Safety

6 December 2021

ITF Secretary-General Young Tae Kim joins virtually to speak in the first panel.The meeting is...

2nd Global Meeting of Regional Road Safety Observatories

29 November 2021

ITF Secretary-General speaks at the Opening Session on 30 November. Go to the full event...

Motorway Safety in Korea

19 April 2024

[caption align="right"][[{"fid":"52477","view_mode":"default","fields":{"format":"default","...

Road Safety in Cities: Street Design and Traffic Management Solutions

19 April 2024

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Road safety, inclusion, equity, gender and sustainability: exploring links

1 December 2021

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Escenarios de políticas públicas para descarbonizar el sistema de transporte en Argentina

14 June 2022

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The International Mobility Summit 2021

20 September 2021

ITF shares insights from our work on micromobility, in particular, the recently published report "...