Transport and Covid-19: responses and resources

Urban Logistics Hubs

Urban logistics are fundamental to city life. However, freight transport is responsible for around half of local air pollutants in cities and generates congestion and other emissions. Moreover, urban logistics involves more than just e-commerce. Recent trends in goods distribution, reverse logistics, the emergence of dark kitchens and dark stores, and growing regulatory demands, have made logistics more complex. The dual trend of logistics returning to the city and growing demand for larger sub-urban warehouses must also be considered. This report provides targeted advice to policy makers on proactive measures to manage the complexities of urban logistics and facilitate the uptake and success of urban logistics hubs.

This report draws on the deliberations of an ITF Roundtable, "Urban Logistics Hubs".

Policy Insights

  • Logistics is more than e-commerce. Urban logistics includes deliveries, distribution, returns, collections and servicing. A wide range of stakeholders with consumer and business demands are involved in the logistics ecosystem. Thinking about improving logistics started in e-commerce and now drives developments in the other segments.
  • Shift to sustainable logistics. Logistics is unlikely the most beneficial use of real estate considering sparse urban space. But the absence of sustainably designed and operated urban logistics hubs could lead to more vehicles or more polluting vehicles in cities as no transshipment space is available.
  • Strengthen understandings of logistics and hubs. Planning authorities should provide best-practice guidelines and frame policies for logistics and associated hubs without significantly increasing costs for operators and customers. The public sector should govern while the private sector should lead the construction, operation and management of logistics hubs.

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