Transport and Covid-19: responses and resources

Urban Planning and Travel Behaviour

This report examines strategies to improve accessibility and mobility by integrating land-use and transport policies. It outlines the institutional and legal aspects of ensuring such integration. It also discusses mechanisms for steering new development to locations served by sustainable modes of transport and promoting compact, transit-oriented development. The report draws on discussions among experts at an ITF Roundtable held on 17 and 18 November 2021.

Go to the Roundtable page with presentations.


Policy Insights

  • Improve co-ordination between transport planning and other policy areas.
  • Foster effective metropolitan governance of transport.
  • Develop and implement sustainable urban mobility plans.
  • Move beyond planning based on demand forecasts towards vision-led, strategic transport planning.
  • Use relevant indicators to monitor the performance of transport systems.
  • Rectify biases in policies that favour car travel over alternative transport options.
  • Prioritise investments that improve the use of low-range and sustainable transport modes.
  • Reallocate road space to sustainable, efficient and safe transport modes.

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