Transport and Covid-19: responses and resources

Broadening Transport Appraisal

This report examines what ongoing shifts in the objectives of transport policy mean for transport project appraisal and planning processes. Many countries are rethinking their transport policy and planning objectives. Their focus is increasingly shifting from providing mobility to ensuring accessibility; giving greater priority to equitable access for all; recognising the urgency of decarbonising transport; and making urban environments healthier, safer and more liveable. The report summarises the findings of a discussion among 44 experts from 21 countries at an ITF Roundtable held from 29 September to 31 October 2021

Go to the related Policy Brief

Go to the Roundtable page with presentations

Policy Insights

  • Develop long-term strategic infrastructure plans that explicitly identify transport policy objectives.

  • Broaden project appraisal to ensure its processes and practices take account of all transport policy objectives, as embedded in strategic infrastructure plans.

  • Incorporate accessibility indicators, or other relevant tools, to assess equity impacts in transport project appraisals.

  • Provide detailed guidance on accounting for climate change impacts in transport project appraisals, incorporating clear linkages between shadow carbon prices and emissions reductions commitments.

  • Present the results of transport project appraisals in a transparent and concise format that highlights needs-case assessments.

  • Ensure decision-making processes for large investments in transport systems account for uncertainties and the need for broad stakeholder support.

  • Integrate technical assessment, process management and public engagement into decision processes for major transport infrastructure investments.

  • Undertake systematic ex-post evaluation for all transport infrastructure projects entailing expenditure above an identified level.

  • Consider the merits of the permanent observatory model as a means of maximising the quality of evaluations.

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