COP Presidency Side Event: The Role of Gender Equality in Decarbonising Transport
ITF Meeting
16.00 – 17.30 GMT | Science Show Theatre, Green Zone
Livestream link:
This event will highlight the linkages between gender equality, transport and climate change and examine the role of women in decarbonising transport.
Speakers from national governments, including transport ministers, from international organisations, labour organisations, foundations and industry will share their commitments and goals in achieving gender equality through transport and climate measures. The event will also present initiatives and policies that capture the teaming of climate and gender equality goals in the transport sector.
Transport is not gender-neutral. Women’s travel behaviour is often not taken into consideration in the design of infrastructure and services. Future low- or zero-carbon mobility options must recognise women’s needs to avoid further gender gaps. Women are exhibiting more sustainable travel behaviour than men, e.g. walking and using public transport more than driving; women are at the centre of transforming transport. The Covid-19 pandemic has disproportionately affected women. It has limited their mobility options and forced them to change their travel behaviour. But the global pandemic crisis has also created a window of opportunity for seeking more sustainable, inclusive and resilient models of economic growth and transport activity. Several countries are developing sustainable recovery measures as a central part of stimulus packages, and many of these also include sustainable transport.
Raised climate ambitions for transport are spawning new commitments and the development of recovery pathways. Women must be part of these discussions as the main drivers of change. They must lead the way towards transport services that are attractive to women and promote a more gender-balanced transport workforce. Increasing the representation and visibility of women at all stages of transport policy, planning, implementation, and usage of transport projects will make transport more responsive to the needs of all users and increase the sustainability of transport development.
Discussion outputs of this event will contribute to the UNFCCC Marrakech Partnership Transport Action Event on 10 November 2021.