Transport and Covid-19: responses and resources


Montreal Council on Foreign Relations (CORIM) Luncheon Speech by Young Tae Kim

1 September 2022

Young Tae Kim, ITF Secretary-General will speak on Global Efforts for the Mobility of Tomorrow...

Connecting Remote Communities Roundtable meeting

27 August 2020

The Roundtable will:Examine the factors that matter to adequately connect small, remote communities...

ICAO General Assembly. 40th Triennial Meeting

1 September 2022

ITF will take an observer’s seat at the 40th ICAO Assembly. During the Assembly, Young Tae Kim,...

Movin'On: World Summit on Sustainable Mobility: Solutions for Multimodal Ecosystems

1 September 2022

Mary Crass, Head of Institutional Relations and Summit at ITF, participates in the plenary session...