Transport and Covid-19: responses and resources


Latin American Ambassadors briefing

27 August 2020

ITF Secretary-General Young Tae Kim briefs Ambassadors of Latin American countries on ITF's...

Mapping Standards for Low- and Zero-emission Electric Heavy Duty Vehicles Expert Workshop

1 September 2022

Workshop AgendaIntroduction to ITF and its Decarbonising Transport InitiativeSession A – Vehicle...

Gender in Transport: ITF Consultation 2020

1 September 2022

ITF stakeholders discuss gender-related issues in transport. Results feed into the programme of the...

ITF Annual Consultation with International Organisations

1 September 2022

The purpose of this meeting is to share the draft programme of the Summit and exchange with key...

Shared Mobility Simulations for Lyon

12 February 2021

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Élargir les horizons: Les Assises économie de la mer 2019

1 September 2022

The Assises is the most important annual conference on maritime transport in France, hosting this...

Powering Future Mobility with Low Carbon Fuel Seminar

1 September 2022

Pierpaolo Cazzola (Advisor - Energy, Technology and Environmental Sustainability at ITF) has been...

Mobility for Tomorrow

1 September 2022

Mobility for Tomorrow is a working meeting organised as part of the "Paris for Tomorrow" week...

Women's Forum Global Meeting 2019

27 August 2020

Action on air pollution - from burning fossil fuels for transport, electricity, and other sources...