Driving Implementation Actions for Transport Decarbonisation: Corporate Partnership Board information session
ITF Meeting
Young Tae Kim, Secretary-General of the International Transport Forum, provides opening remarks.
13:00-14:30 CET
This is a closed event for ITF's Corporate Partnership Board member companies.
This is an information session for ITF's CPB members on the next stage of its Decarbonising Transport initiative, a project labelled as “Driving Implementation Actions”. A key aim of this project, which benefits from funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 programme, is to create a favourable environment for the implementation of sustainable and inclusive transport policies by strengthening the capacity of countries to adopt concrete and effective policy actions.
The project has at its core the establishment of fora that will bring together governments and other stakeholders to develop a common understanding about what policy actions could drive transport decarbonisation. These fora look at technological, societal and behavioural aspects to reduce GHG emissions in transport while also supporting a socially fair transition towards connected, integrated, sustainable and safe transport and mobility for all. The activities developed in this project will also inform analyses on the status and prospects of policy developments and market responses, strengthening the collective understanding of the effectiveness of different measures and allowing a continuous update of the ITF Transport Climate Action Directory. Countries that participate are encouraged to commit to specific goals, e.g. on the extent to which solutions will be deployed and/or best policy practices will be implemented to drive the relevant transport solution in their territory. The scope of these groups are on the “hard to decarbonise” sectors of transport: heavy-duty road vehicles, shipping and aviation.