Transport and Covid-19: responses and resources

Efficiency in Railway Operations and Infrastructure Management Roundtable

Rail yard at night
Railways play a major role in the passenger and/or freight transport sectors in nearly all OECD countries. 

The natural monopoly characteristics of rail service in some markets, driven by economies of density, result in economic regulation of railways in almost all countries. Governments are concerned, therefore, with the efficiency of the services that result, driven in part by discontent from shippers and passengers over prices. This Roundtable revisits the issue of how to define and measure efficiency, at the appropriate level of detail and with reasonably available data so that policy makers can evaluate the impact of past changes in railway structure and ownership and assess the likely outcome of future initiatives 


Chair's summary

John Thomas, Etihad Rail PJSC

Railway Efficiency Roundtable: Introduction from the Chair

John Thomas, Etihad Rail PJSC

What is Rail Efficiency and How Can it Be Changed?

Lou Thompson and Heiner Bente, Civity Management Consultants

Rail Efficiency: Cost Research and its Implications for Policy

Chris Nash and Andrew Smith, University of Leeds