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ITF 2020 Young Researcher of the Year Award Ceremony (ONLINE)

ITF Meeting ITF Meeting

Register now for the Online Awards Ceremony and Panel Discussion


Participants log on

Welcome and opening remarks (Mary Crass, Head of Institutional Relations and Summit, ITF)

ITF Secretary-General Young Tae Kim introduces the ITF Young Researcher of the Year 2020

“Are e-scooters good for climate change?”
ITF Young Researcher of the Year 2020 Anne de Bortoli presents the findings of her award-winning study analysing the environmental impact of e-scooters in the city of Paris

Webinar participants will be able to submit questions via Zoom’s Q&A function

Panel discussion (Moderator: Mary Crass)


  • An operator’s perspective (Sarah Badoux, Sustainability Lead at Voi Technologies)
  • Life-cycle analysis of micro-mobility (Pierpaolo Cazzola, Advisor Energy, Technology and Environmental Sustainability, ITF)
  • Regulation of e-scooters and micro-vehicles (Tatiana Samsonova, Policy Analyst, ITF)
  • The future of the e-scooter market/Reconfiguring urban space for new forms of urban mobility (Philippe Crist, Advisor Innovation and Foresight, ITF)

Q&A with participants

14:30 Event closes

The International Transport Forum’s Young Researcher of the Year Award will honour transport research by a young researcher (under 35 years old) to highlight the importance of transport research for sound transport policy formulation and implementation, and to foster closer links between transport policy and research. The 2020 theme is “Transport Innovation for Sustainable Development”. 

More on ITF Awards

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