Main Trends in Car Use, Travel Demand and Policy Thinking on how to deal with Uncertainties
Presentation, slides, speech,
16 December 2019
Transport Innovations from the Global South
Corporate Partnership Board Report, Policy Insights,
6 November 2019
- Update transport policy and regulation to accommodate innovation that can contribute to economic growth and make transport more sustainable.
- Cooperate with research and industry, coordinate with all government levels.
- Leave room for bottom up innovation through a light regulatory touch.
- Be ready to facilitate discussion between innovative actors and traditional operators.
- Foster innovation in the delivery of concessioned transport services.
- Support change and build on existing cultural practices in order to improve quality of life for all.
- Create innovation sandboxes/living labs.
- Look beyond transport towards non-traditional policy matters.
What is the Value of Saving Travel Time?
Roundtable Report, Policy Insights,
1 October 2019
- Update the value of reductions in travel time periodically to reflect changes in preferences and travel patterns.
- Account for the quality of travel conditions.
- Employ stated preference surveys supported by other evidence for determining the value of reductions in travel time.
- Investigate how the use of Big Data can improve understanding of travel behaviour.
- Continue to use cost-benefit analysis in transport decision making.
- Strengthen the link between modelling, appraisal, monitoring and evaluation.
Tax Revenue Implications of Decarbonising Road Transport: Scenarios for Slovenia
Research Report,
21 May 2019
Benchmarking Accessibility in Cities
Case-Specific Policy Analysis, Policy Insights,
19 May 2019
- Use the new urban accessibility framework to compare and benchmark cities.
- Improve accessibility by reducing trip lengths and enhancing transport performance.
- Learn from similar cities with higher accessibility scores.
- Collect more and better urban mobility data, notably on walking and cycling.
Повышение торгово-транспортной связности и развитие грузоперевозок в Центральной Азии
Case-Specific Policy Analysis, Policy Insights,
13 May 2019
- Улучшение транспортного сообщения на местном уровне наряду с развитием международных коридоров.
- Установление цен на транзитные перевозки, покрывающих все связанные с ними расходы.
- Реформирование системы финансирования дорожно-ремонтных работ и инвестиций в дорожные сети.
- Привлечение частных инвестиций исходя из соображений экономической эффективности.
- Содействие в формировании современной логистической отрасли.
- Внедрение передового опыта в сфере транспортного планирования.
- Установление стандартов деятельности для таможенных органов.
- Упорядочение регионального и международного сотрудничества.